Based on our Chinese Friend, before a structure is built, there should be a groundbreaking ceremony. I actually never attended one before, so we have to research and inquire further. Yup, this is for our
“soon-to-be,” “long-awaited-for” ---
First, check your birthdates with the Chinese calendar and look for the best/luckiest date to hold the groundbreaking.
Prepare the offerings. Here are the possible choices:
1. A whole pig, cooked.
Head cut-off, blood to be spread over the boundaries of the lot.
2. A whole fish, with its gills, fins and tail uncut.
3. A whole chicken, with its head.
Blood also to be spread around the boundaries of the lot.
4. Three kinds of five-piece fruits.
Those are not connected/intertwined, i.e. grapes, bananas.
What to do:
1. Spreading of the blood around the boundaries.
2. Digging of soil on the corners of the lot.
3. Bring someone who could wipe out bad sprits.
4. Pray for a successful construction of the property.
5. And of course, a peaceful and harmonious household.
Apart from the clichĂ© that you invite people and have a party afterwards, this is not recommended on Chinese Feng shui. Only those who are part of the household should be on the groundbreaking. If there are other people present, especially if your birthdates aren’t well-matched, they might bring bad luck to you.
But these are just guidelines. What you’ll do will still be based on your discretion. Thanks to Tess, for these info. And goodluck to us as well.