Countdown Til Euen's First Birthday

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, July 11, 2008

Baby Panda

The half day that we spent at Ocean Park was too short. We weren’t able to try the rides that looked both fun and exciting. We had to take really long escalators to transfer from one area to another. Plus, the cable car was really lengthy, and high.

But there were two things that made the trip worth it amidst that. Atoll Reef. First level was like the shore. The turtle raised his head from the water, as if saying “Hi!.” This made Kebs very happy. Going down was the mid-level of the reef; we could see how huge the sea creatures were, up close. Then the last was the bottom of the reef, where most of the little fishes and corals reside. It was a beauty.

The second was the Giant Panda Habitat. There were two sleeping Pandas that were just lying by the tree branch, upside down. What was an awe was when the baby Panda woke up and entertained us. Grabbed a leaf to eat, showed off in front of his visitors. What I noticed is that they had a comfortable home, air-conditioned and maintained. I had teddy bears, seen bears at the zoo, even a Polar bear. But the Panda was my favorite, so cute and cuddly. (Charo, you were there with us.)

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