Countdown Til Euen's First Birthday

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, April 29, 2011

Bye Ginger

Because of extra toes on her foot,
she was Ginger to us.
And Shinsher to Ikoy.
It was heartbreaking.
We will miss you.
But as Kuya Shosh said,
"All dogs go to heaven."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Sister in Singapore emails me and tells me she might not be able to be home on New Year.

I told little sister this is what she said.
No! "Ohana!"
She said it in an anxious and panic-mode, but merciful tone, like a little angel brat. Yes, it's contradicting, I couldn't explain either. So I asked her what Ohana means.

It's from Lilo and Stitch, "Ohana" means family. Family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten.
Either she comes here or we go to her on New Year.

I couldn't contradict.
I told this to sister in Singapore.
She couldn't contradict either.
We'll find a way, after all, it's just April.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bagong Gupit

We got jealous of Yoquito's new haircut that's why we decided to go with the heat wave of summer. It is indeed starting to get hot nowadays.

Denden's growing his hair for a few months now and I must admit, I missed his "no-hair" look. So when he said it was hot and wanted to shave his head, I "seconded" the motion and got the electric shaver.

As for me, after more than a year, and the free haircut coupon I got, I went to the salon and got my usual, short, a little below the ears, haircut.

With this summer welcome, heads up to higher electric bills!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Walking the baby

The first time that Yoquito wore his shoes a few months ago, he didn't like it. He just lied on the floor and didn't want to walk, even stand up. Now that he completed his vaccines, we were ready to tag him along every time we go out. So we tried putting a collar and a leash. That, he didn't like either. So I was told that neck collars might harm dog's trachea and might cause respiratory problems especially if your dogs pulls the leash. Or in this case, Yoquito might not want the collars because it's hurting this throat. So, we looked for other options and found the harness. Harnesses go around the neck, in front of the shoulders, and behind the front legs. They are recommended for dogs who are prone to respiratory diseases because they do not put pressure on the throat.

And so, we tried both the harness and the shoes on the baby. At first he was uncomfortable on the shoes, he took big steps as if his feet got bigger. And after some time and was running and jumping inside the house. Then, we put a leash on the harness and brought him out. Yey! He liked it.

Monday, April 11, 2011

First Haircut

To celebrate Yoquito's 6th month, we took him to the pet clinic/salon for his pamper day. His fur has been growing, almost covering his face. I was scared to cut it myself because I might hurt his eyes.

We took him to Pet Express at MOA. The complete pet grooming package included a haircut, bath, cleaning of the ears, nails and teeth. He was recommended the "Summer-cut," about half an inch, as his fur wasn't too tangled to be completely shaved off. It was good because I was having second thoughts of how he'd look if he has no fur.

Being his first time, I know it will be stressful for him. We literally fight everytime I give him a bath or comb his fur. We had to help the "pet groomer" and hold Yoquito because he wouldn't sit/stand still.

Though it was not really a relaxing day for him, he seemed happy afterwards because he can see the world clearer now.