I am not sure if I am looking forward for this day or I am dreading for this day to come. It's a little bit of both. The good thing is that I have two sisters coming with us to the hospital. To stand by me, one on each side.
Check up was brief, was prescribed with meds, checked physically and I gave an update with what's going on with the diabelogist and nutritionist. Tita Cel told us that I should head for the ultrasound, with the hopes that we see the baby and the heartbeat.
A heartbeat. That was the only thing on my mind while waiting for my turn. My name was called, went in, followed by Denden and my two sisters. I lied down, closed my eyes and prayed hard. The sonologist came in and started the examination. The longest five minutes of my life. She just stood there looking at the monitor, moving the scope inside my body, without saying a word. I couldn't read the expression on her face. Tears fell down my eyes, I was too afraid to ask.
She told me the OB will explain the results. But honestly, I couldn't understand the other words that she said after seeing the heartbeat. I didn't stop crying as I hug the two-soon-be-tita's, both of them very delighted. Tears of joy. It was the happiest ten minutes of my life since I found out that I was pregnant.
Crown Rump Length: 1.18cm = 7 weeks 4 days
(+) Embryo with cardiac activity at 163 beats per minute
BUT, ten minutes, that was what, was given to me. The results showed that there was a subchorionic bleeding found inside. It is not harming the baby and heals on its own as long as it doesn't get too big. With diabetes on the side, I was advised to take a 30-day bedrest.
In my mind, I thought that I might not be giving enough so I should give more. I have baby's heartbeat to hold on to. That is more than enough reason gather the all the strength that I need.
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