We visited the newly opened branch of HMR near our place. It is one of the biggest surplus shops in the Philippines. We always love to go to these places, when we're lukcy we find something we need for a fair price.
This one day is indeed a lucky day for Denden. He found this: Britax Baby-Safe Plus SHR II car seat. Well, it is not actually a need, because we already have a car seat. But he got fond of it because it fits Euen's stroller. He justified that aside from being the car seat and stroller seat, it can also be used as a rocker.
At first I didn't want him to get it since it can only be used up to fifteen months. But for the very low price, I couldn't stop him anymore.
Alright, I admit, it was more convenient now and there's more space in the trunk. So, the stroller seat was packed again. The other car seat was placed on the other car.
And the baby seemed snugly-happy.
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